Sant Antonio Abate Agerola

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Sant'Antonio Abate is the protector of Agerola and occurs on January 17th. The community is very devoted to this Saint, to the point of having numerous cameos made with the effigies of the Saint. These are always cameo engravings of a Saint starting from a photograph, we create them in various sizes. For any type of customization, do not hesitate to write to us.

Sant'Antonio Abate is the protector of Agerola and occurs on January 17th. The community is very devoted to this Saint, to the point of having numerous cameos made with the effigies of the Saint. These are always cameo engravings of a Saint starting from a photograph, we create them in various sizes. For any type of customization, do not hesitate to write to us.

The Madonna, one of the most requested subjects for the cameo

One of the most common applications of cameo engraving involves sacred art. We are frequently commissioned cameos with religious subjects: typical scenes and settings, the Madonna, the Christ Child or the Saints.

Recently we noted an intensification of this kind of production and cameos d ...more


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